Kindred money

Kindred is a community interest company (CIC), owned locally and collectively, that reinvests money, space and learning in Liverpool City Region’s socially-trading economy. Socially-trading organisations (STOs) are businesses that deliver social benefits AND trade commercially –businesses with a social mission.

In 2021, Kindred committed £950,000 to 22 STOs, and we’ve launched our second round of support this spring. Kindred is not a grant funder or a bail-out fund. Our investment is repayable on terms that suit you.

Any money is loaned at 0% interest. STOs may also have the option to repay money partly in social value, meaning that money could be repaid by demonstrating the social impact you create. Each arrangement is specific to the needs of the STO.

This is a risky time to invest and grow and Kindred will do this in partnership with you – the STO – sharing risk and rewards with Kindred’s membership and the communities we all serve. Kindred’s delivery team can support you to get everything in place.

You can also read more about Working with Kindred here

Five steps for investment

To be investment-ready, we look for five key indicators. All Kindred investees will be asked to communicate:

  • your company’s financial position
  • your story – told or typed, in words or pictures (or both)
  • your social impact and plans to mitigate your environmental impact
  • your collaboration with other STOs (in, or beyond, the Kindred community)
  • and your ask – what will you do with your investment?